Hvað er þetta "ég"?

Þetta er allt gott og blessað en okkur líður þetur ef þið hættum að berjast við þetta ég. 

Fyrir þá sem vilja hugsa nánar um þetta mæli ég með; https://iai.tv/articles/why-there-is-no-self-a-buddhist-perspective-for-the-west-auid-104

'But, you might say, even if I have no identity over time, I have an identity right now, a synchronic identity. There is something that is me.And it is a single, unitary thing. Buddhists, however, deny this. They urge instead that while you believe that there is a single unitary you, if only for a moment, there is nothing but a set of causally interrelated psychophysical processes and events that are in turn causally related to prior and succeeding such collections. There are perceptions, feelings, personality traits, physical parts, such as hands and a heart, but no self. These parts don't have a unity. You can take some away and still be you. You can replace some, and still be you. You can add new ones, and still be you. And if you take them all away, one by one, until there is no body and no mind left, there is no you remaining."

Með öðrum orðum, hættu að ströggla og njóttu þess að vera til núna.  

mbl.is „Ég get þetta aldrei, það eru allir að dæma mig, ég er alger aumingi“
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