Welcome to the real world

Ég fullyrði að allar myndir sem dregnar eru upp í fjölmiðlum eru á einhvern hátt yktar og brenglaðar. Þeir sem hafa fylgst með Vietnam stríði, stríði í Afghanistan, Írak, Ísrael, árasinni á tvíburaturnana, og svo framvegis ættu að vita þetta. Það er ekki nóg með að fréttirnar séu yktar og brenglaðar, heldur eru þær stundum einfaldlega lygar.

Hvað varðar þessa nema, þá virðast þeir aðhyllast þá stefnu að trúa þeim sem laug að þeim síðast. Ef þeir halda að skíthrætt fólk í Norður Koreu hafa einhvern meiri sannleika fram að færa fyrir þá en fjölmiðlar, þá eru þeir illa úti að aka.

Vonandi fara þessir asnar aftur til Norður Kóreu sem fyrst og prófa þetta:


"In case of serious violations of camp rules, the prisoners are subject to a process of investigation, which produced human rights violations, such as reduced meals, torture, beating and sexual harassment.[52] In Haengyong-ri there is a detention center to punish prisoners.[12] Because of the harsh treatment, many prisoners die in detention[53] and even more leave the detention building crippled.[54]

Ahn and Kwon reported about the following torture methods used in Camp 22:[25][45]

  • Water torture: The prisoner has to stand on his toes in a tank filled with water to his nose for 24 hours.[55]
  • Hanging torture: The prisoner is stripped and hung upside down from the ceiling to be violently beaten.[56]
  • Box-room-torture: The prisoner is detained in a very small solitary cell, where he could hardly sit, but not stand or lie, for three days or a week.[55]
  • Kneeling-torture: The prisoner has to kneel down with a wooden bar inserted near his knee hollows to stop blood circulation. After a week the prisoner cannot walk and many die some months later.[25]
  • Pigeon torture: The prisoner is tied to the wall with both hands at a height of 60 cm (2 ft) and must crouch for many hours.[57]

There are beatings every day,[58][59] if prisoners do not bow quickly or deeply enough before the guards,[60] if they do not work hard enough[61] or do not obey quickly enough.[62] It is a frequent practice for guards to use prisoners as martial arts targets.[63] Rape and sexual violence are very common in the camp,[64] as female prisoners know they may be easily killed if they resist the demands of the security officers.[65]

Ahn reported about hundreds of prisoners each year being taken away for several “major construction projects”,[66] such as secret tunnels, military bases or nuclear facilities in remote areas.[25] None of these prisoners ever returned to the camp.[67] Ahn is convinced that they were secretly killed after finishing the construction work to keep the secrecy of these projects.[68]"



Þetta er bara smá dæmi úr einum fangabúðum. Þeir pynda hvern sem er, börn og gamlamenni eru þar ekkert undanskilin. 



 ""She was 39 years old and had two children, 5 and 7 years old," Mrs. Li said, recalling her friend who stole the beet, Chae Wal Ryung. "Her husband had been a miner, but he was trapped and killed in a mine accident. So she had to work in the mine in his place. But there wasn't enough food, so one day she stopped on her way home and stole a beet root from a field. She was arrested on the spot, and she was never allowed to go home or see her children again."

"In the prison camp, she says, she was put to work up to 16 hours a day, every day, making shoes, police uniforms, hats and goods for export. Those who did not work hard enough were locked in a coffin-sized punishment cell, pitch dark, on a starvation diet.

Other prisoners were punished with death. Mrs. Li told the story of Suh Young Soon, 21, who was sewing nylon dresses when she accidentally tore some fabric. Miss Suh was so frightened that she hid the torn dress under her chair.

A guard discovered it, and Miss Suh was lashed to an iron pole that stood in the prison courtyard. All of the prisoners were summoned and forced to watch as Miss Suh was gagged but not blindfolded. Then six guards fired three volleys at Miss Suh's chest, killing her instantly.

Mrs. Li says she saw eight executions in her five years in prison. She says she was released in 1992 as part of an amnesty to mark the 80th birthday of North Korea's "Great Leader," Kim Il Sung. Mrs. Li fled to China with her son and made her way to South Korea.

For many years there have been reports of the Government sending away entire families, not just individual offenders."

""Those who were caught easily were shot to death in front of the other inmates," Mr. Kang said. "But those whose escapes had been troublesome to the guards, or who had beaten guards during their escape, they were hanged slowly from a gallows so that it took them a long time to die. And while they were dying, the guards made us inmates line up and throw stones at them.""


Þetta eru bara nokkur smá dæmi um þann viðbjóð sem fer fram í þessu landi.



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1 identicon

"Margt kom þeim á óvart og ekki síst hve skrum­skæld mynd dreg­in hef­ur verið upp af landi og þjóð í frétta­flutn­ingi á Vest­ur­lönd­um."

"Báðir eru þeir Davíð og Davíð Karl lunkn­ir ljós­mynd­ar­ar en þeir tóku eina mynda­vél með yfir landa­mær­in til að lenda ekki í klandri, enda gilda strang­ar regl­ur um hvað má mynda og jafn­vel hvernig."

"Sem fyrr seg­ir gátu þeir ekki valið hvert þeir fóru held­ur var ferðin skipu­lögð af ferðaskrif­stof­unni"

Segir allt um N-Kóreu. Ef þú mátt ekki skoða það sem þú vilt, mynda allt sem þú vilt, og hafa eins margar myndavélar einsog þú vilt, þá er eitthvað að.

Birgir Guðjónsson (IP-tala skráð) 30.8.2014 kl. 23:07

2 Smámynd: Guðmundur Pétursson

Þetta eru bara laganemar. Pældu í því þegar þeir verða orðnir lögfræðingar!

Guðmundur Pétursson, 31.8.2014 kl. 01:18

3 identicon

Á ensku eru svona einfeldningar kallaðir "useful idiots".

Pétur D. (IP-tala skráð) 31.8.2014 kl. 02:36

4 Smámynd: Hörður Þórðarson

Kærar þakkir fyrir innlitið. Það er gömul hefð fyrir því að nota "useful idiots" með þessum hætti. Stalín og Mao gerðu talsvert af þessu, þeir leyfðu vestrænum ferðamönnum að ferðast um í vellystingum praktuglega, auðvitað undir ströngu eftirliti og mötuðu þá á áróðri sem þeir síðan ældu út úr sér þegar heim var komið.

Hörður Þórðarson, 31.8.2014 kl. 02:51

5 identicon

Eru það líka ekki hagsmunir Kína að hafa N-Kóreu eins og hún er. sem svona buffer state ? Mikið væri gaman ef að Kórea gæti sameinast í eitt öflugt ríki.. Þeir hafa allavega mikla tækniþekkingu samanlagt og öflugan her.. Ég er aðeins búin að vera að lesa mér til um Sögu Kóreu og einnig samskipti USA við N-Kóreu og það virðist vera þannig að USA vilji fyrir alla muni halda Kóreunum tveimur í stöðugu ósætti. Flettið tildæmis upp "sunshine Policy" USA er að deila og drottna þarna því að ef allir verða vinir þarna í Asíu þá myndu Rómverar, nei ég meina USA tapa öllum sínum áhrifum..

maggi220 (IP-tala skráð) 31.8.2014 kl. 13:09

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