15.10.2014 | 09:10
Skrípaleikur. Staðsetning vélarinnar er augljós.
Ef vélin fór í hafið myndi eitthvað brak hafa rekið á land. Ekkert slíkt hefur sést. Hún fór ekki í hafið.
Úr því að hún er ekki í sjónum hlýtur hún að vera á landi. Hrapaði 777 þota án þess að neinn tæki eftir því? Varla.
Hún hrapaði ekki, þar af leiðandi lenti hún einhverst staðar. Hvar? Þar sem hægt var að geyma hana þannig að hún fyndist ekki, og á stað sem hún gat flogið til án þess að með henni væri fylgst úr ratsjá. Var einhver slíkur staðar sem hún gat náð til? Já, Diego Garcia.
(Þetta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjNfXK6QpqY er mjög fræðandi fyrir þá sem skilja ekki ennþá hvernig heimurinn virkar.)
Hvers vegna fór hún til Diego Garcia? Það eru mjög góðar ástæður fyrir því.
"The 20 Freescale employees, among 239 people on flight MH370, were mostly engineers and other experts working to make the company's chip facilities in Tianjin, China, and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice president, global communications and investor relations.
"These were people with a lot of experience and technical background and they were very important people," Haws said. "It's definitely a loss for the company.""
It also owns Freescale RF which is involved in creating solutions for Aerospace and Defence listed below.
1. Battlefield communication
2. Avionics
3. HF Radar Band L- and S-
4. Missile Guidance
5. Electronic Warfare
6. Identification, friend or foe (IFF)
"All Boeings have been modified with an uninterruptible autopilot, according to McConnell. Pilots, however, are not trained to use them, making aircraft a weapon for terrorists to access and deploy, he says."
Four days after the flight MH370 disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8, - See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/with-disappearance-of-malaysian.html#sthash.OhHRoxAf.dpuf
It also owns Freescale RF which is involved in creating solutions for Aerospace and Defence listed below.
1. Battlefield communication
2. Avionics
3. HF Radar Band L- and S-
4. Missile Guidance
5. Electronic Warfare
6. Identification, friend or foe (IFF)
Freescales shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major.
Carlyles previous heavyweight clients include the Saudi Binladin Group, the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden.
The fact that Freescale had so many highly qualified staff on board the Boeing 777 had already prompted wild conspiracy theories about what might have happened.
The company says they were flying to China to improve its consumer products operations, but Freescales fresh links to electronic warfare technology is likely to trigger more speculation and deepen the mystery.
Experts have been baffled how a large passenger jet seems to have flown undetected and possibly beaten military radar systems for up to six hours.
Avoiding radar via cloaking technology has long been one of the objectives of the defense industry and Freescale has been active developing chips for military radar.
On its website, the company says its radio frequency products meet the requirements for applications in avionics, radar, communications, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe.
Last June it announced it was creating a team of specialists dedicated to producing radio frequency power products for the defense industry.
And on March 3, it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications.
The company did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.
It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.
The comment reads: It reads: Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.
Four days after the flight MH370 disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8 - See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/with-disappearance-of-malaysian.html#sthash.OhHRoxAf.dpuf
It also owns Freescale RF which is involved in creating solutions for Aerospace and Defence listed below.
1. Battlefield communication
2. Avionics
3. HF Radar Band L- and S-
4. Missile Guidance
5. Electronic Warfare
6. Identification, friend or foe (IFF)
Freescales shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major.
Carlyles previous heavyweight clients include the Saudi Binladin Group, the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden.
The fact that Freescale had so many highly qualified staff on board the Boeing 777 had already prompted wild conspiracy theories about what might have happened.
The company says they were flying to China to improve its consumer products operations, but Freescales fresh links to electronic warfare technology is likely to trigger more speculation and deepen the mystery.
Experts have been baffled how a large passenger jet seems to have flown undetected and possibly beaten military radar systems for up to six hours.
Avoiding radar via cloaking technology has long been one of the objectives of the defense industry and Freescale has been active developing chips for military radar.
On its website, the company says its radio frequency products meet the requirements for applications in avionics, radar, communications, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe.
Last June it announced it was creating a team of specialists dedicated to producing radio frequency power products for the defense industry.
And on March 3, it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications.
The company did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.
It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.
The comment reads: It reads: Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.
Four days after the flight MH370 disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8 - See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/with-disappearance-of-malaysian.html#sthash.OhHRoxAf.dpuf
It also owns Freescale RF which is involved in creating solutions for Aerospace and Defence listed below.
1. Battlefield communication
2. Avionics
3. HF Radar Band L- and S-
4. Missile Guidance
5. Electronic Warfare
6. Identification, friend or foe (IFF)
Freescales shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major.
Carlyles previous heavyweight clients include the Saudi Binladin Group, the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden.
The fact that Freescale had so many highly qualified staff on board the Boeing 777 had already prompted wild conspiracy theories about what might have happened.
The company says they were flying to China to improve its consumer products operations, but Freescales fresh links to electronic warfare technology is likely to trigger more speculation and deepen the mystery.
Experts have been baffled how a large passenger jet seems to have flown undetected and possibly beaten military radar systems for up to six hours.
Avoiding radar via cloaking technology has long been one of the objectives of the defense industry and Freescale has been active developing chips for military radar.
On its website, the company says its radio frequency products meet the requirements for applications in avionics, radar, communications, missile guidance, electronic warfare and identification friend or foe.
Last June it announced it was creating a team of specialists dedicated to producing radio frequency power products for the defense industry.
And on March 3, it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications.
The company did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.
It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.
The comment reads: It reads: Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.
Four days after the flight MH370 disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8 - See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/with-disappearance-of-malaysian.html#sthash.OhHRoxAf.dpuf
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Ég hefi aldrei séð, eða verið bent á neinar sannanir þess efnis að MH370 hafi verið beint af leið og snúið til suðvesturs í átt til Indlandshafs.
Mér finnst því öllu líklegra að vélin hafi farið í hafið skammt frá þeim stað þar sem hún er sögð síðast hafa sést á ratsjá, eða þar sem síðast var haft samband við hana, - ellegar að hún hafi flogið "stjórnlaust" í sömu átt og hún var í þegar síðast var haft samband við hana, það er, þangað til eldsneytisgeymarnir tæmdust.
Þá er vélarinnar frekar að leita í eyðimerkum eða fjallgörðum Mongólíu.
Tryggvi Helgason, 16.10.2014 kl. 02:09
Flugvélar fljúga ekki frá Kínahafi til Mongólíu án þess að neinn taki eftir þeim. Ef vélin væri óþekkt og svaraði ekki fyrirspurnum flugumferðarstjóra, þá væri búið að skjóta hana niður löngu áður en hún kæmist til Mongólíu. Ef svo furðulega vildi til að hún hafi komst óséð alla leið til Mongólíu, þá er fólk þar sem ætti að hafa séð vélina og eða brak úr henni. Vél af þessari stærð hverfur ekki bara, nema einhver feli hana. Hver hefur möguleka til að láta svona vél hverfa, og hver hefur aðstöðu til að fela hana?
Það eru allar upplýsingar fyrir hendi sem þarf til að leysa þetta mál. Til að leyda glæpinn þarf "means, oportunity and motive". Allt þetta er fyrir hendi og það þarf engann snilling til að raða þessu saman.
Að vera að leita að vélinni á hafsbotni þegar ekkert brak hefur sést úr henni er ekkert annað en sýndarleikur.
Hörður Þórðarson, 16.10.2014 kl. 03:07
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.