Fįnżtt žras um Guš eša Gušleysi

Žeir sem eyša tķma ķ aš žrasa um Guš eša Gušleysi fara villur vega. Um žetta efni hafa veriš skrifašar margar skręšur og margt tķnt til til aš afsanna eša sanna tilveru Gušs. Tķmasóun. Lesiš žennan gamla texta śr Demants Sśtrunni (prentuš įriš 868). Hann segir allt sem segja žarf:

""Subhuti, any person who awakens faith upon hearing the words or phrases of this Sutra will accumulate countless blessings and merit."

"How do I know this? Because this person must have discarded all arbitrary notions of the existence of a personal self, of other people, or of a universal self. Otherwise their minds would still grasp after such relative conceptions. Furthermore, these people must have already discarded all arbitrary notions of the non-existence of a personal self, other people, or a universal self. Otherwise, their minds would still be grasping at such notions. Therefore anyone who seeks total Enlightenment should discard not only all conceptions of their own selfhood, of other selves, or of a universal self, but they should also discard all notions of the non-existence of such concepts."



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